Page:The Statutes of the Realm Vol 8 (1702-7).pdf/909

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6o Annæ, ¢.79.
A.D. 1707.

enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Archibald Mac-Alaster his Heirs and Assigns and they are hereby impowered from time to time by Indenture made under his or their Hands and Seals or by any Form of Obligation or Contract solemn according to the Laws of Scotland to convey and assure the Duties granted by this Act as a Security for any Sum or Sums of Money by him or them to be borrowed for the Ends and Purposes of this Act intended to any Person or Persons that shall or will advance such Sum or Sums of Money upon such Security for and towards the erecting building and making of the said Harbour and Key clearing the [Breach[1]] and other Works for the securing preserving and amending the said Harbour and Key of East Tarbett.

  1. Beach O.