Page:The Steel Flea.djvu/90

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The Englishmen took charge of the left-handed man, but sent the Russian Courier back to Russia. Although the Courier had a rank[1] and was skilled in divers languages, they took no interest in him, but they did find the left-handed man interesting, and set about taking him everywhere and showing him everything.

He inspected all their products, and their metal foundries, and their soap and saw-mills, and all their domestic arrangements pleased him exceedingly, especially those pertaining to the maintenance of the workingman. Every laborer among them is always well fed, clothed not in rags but each in a capable every-day waistcoat, and shod with stout boots with iron caps, so that their feet might never receive any shock from anything. And they work not

  1. Evidently, an Imperial Messenger.

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