Page:The Story of Aunt Becky's Army-Life .djvu/19

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A broken Regiment.—The Long Roll.—The surprised Enemy.—Ghostly.—A pleasant Joke.—Going out to Tea.—The Soldier's Home.— Afternoon out.—"The Molasses lick."—Going Home without tasting the Sweets.—The Christmas Turkey.—The lonely Watch.—Fear of Death.—Brighter Skies and budding Hopes.—A new Pield.—Death of a Nurse.—The loathsome Pest.—The House of Cloth.—The priceless Stove.—The dying Boy.—The House of Death.—The Doctor deceived.—New Barracks.—White Dishes.—Visit from Miss D.—"To the Front."—Heart-sickness.—A Soldier's Life.—Joining Burnside.—"Good-bye, forever."—Remonitions of Death.—The living Hope.—Heroes all.—A deserted Hospital.—A good Cry.—The silent Breakfast
Nearer the Regiment.—Visit to Mrs. Youngs.—Dreams of the Night.—Heard from.—The Wilderness.—The Tragedy of Death.—Burning alive.—Dreadful Apprehensions.—Ordered to Fredericksburg.—The independent Nurse.—That horrible Bonnet.—Denouncing high Officials.—The first Horrors of Battle.—The hill-side Tent.—Dripping wet.—Dressing Wounds.—Journey to Fredericksburg.—The dreadful Road.—Rain and Mud.—Reporting for Duty.—Assigned to the Fifth Corps.—Washington's Home.—"I cut it with my little Hatchet."—Hard Tack and Coffee.—The Night in a Dish-closet.—Refreshing Sleep
Haunted Nights.—Ghastly Wounds.—The bloody Trains.—Heroic Sufferers.—The young Brave.—"Going to sleep."—Waking in Heaven.—"Died after the Battle was over."—Searching for our Boys.—Badly cut up.—Fred Bills.—The last Promise.—The narrow Bed-room.—"Buried in a Box."—The fortunate Dollar.—Outrage on the Dead.—The final Shrouding.—The Search