Page:The Story of Aunt Becky's Army-Life .djvu/23

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A Rumor of Change.—Bearing in Silence.—Our Mess-room.—Faulty Arithmetic.—The indignant Nurse.—Odd Bits.—Unsatisfied.—Chief Cook.—Bottle-washer.—A servicable Cloak.—Kicking a Convalescent.—Anger and Bitterness.—Lifted up.—No Thanks to him.—Sanitary Agents.—The Christian Commission.—The Flask of Brandy.—The dying Patient.—Poor Excuses.—Commissary Whiskey.—Dispensing Stores.—Testing canned Fruit.—Man's Selfishness.—A rude Church.—The Dream of Childhood.—A Reading-room.—Easy Toilet.—"Saratogas."—Heart Entanglements.—"Now I have got you."—The faithful Husband
Full of Sighs.—Youthful Heroes.—The last Game.—Death of Captain Lee.—The lonely Sister.—Taking Home the Beloved.—Lieut. Dupree.—Staying the Soul.—The Death-bed of Agony.—Through the brain.—Somebody's Pride.—The little Babe.—The dead Father.—Blue Eyes and golden Hair.—The last Token.—A crowded Tent.—The Chaplain's Visit.—Fatal Gangrene.—Dropping away.—The Captain's Loss.—Sergeant Woodbury.—The Prediction of Death.—A nameless Grave.—The lovely Summer
Playing false.—The crazy Soldier.—The rheumatic Patient.—My wasted Sympathies.—Cured.—Unacquainted.—The old Soldier.—Thoughts of Home.—The kind Neighbor.—Going back.—Seven little Boys.—Darling Children.—Homesick Hearts.—Baby Jumpers.—Brother Jonathan.—Sent off.—The angry Doctor.—A dishonest Nurse.—Fife and Drum.—A dear Custard.—Degrading Manhood.—The lost Letter.—The confused Doctor.—The Guard-house.—Liberation.—Trying the Soul.—Tied up by the Thumbs.—Executions.—Obdurate Conscience