Page:The Story of Aunt Becky's Army-Life .djvu/232

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clangor is hushed to-day, with the tidings which were borne to us. The sadness of death pervades our camp, and on the eve of victory everything seems to point to defeat.

Oh! how will they bear it, and how will they fill his place, who with so firm and gentle a hand guided the helm, and had seen the old ship almost into port? Life so uncertain—how little we thought who looked upon his pale face one week ago, that it would wear a heavier pallor now—the hue of death.

But his work is finished, and a nation is in mourning. The rain is a fitting tribute paid by this April day to his memory, and how could the world look glad with the cloud of blackness overhead.

On my rounds I found all sad, and some strong men in tears, and with an aching heart I tended the last moments of one of our regiment, Private Carson, from Danby, N. Y. ******** My diary is here broken off rather abruptly, for, in daily anticipation of leaving, and having an opportunity, I sent my small effects to Washington, packing my writing materials and diary, hoping soon, and very soon to follow.