Page:The Story of Aunt Becky's Army-Life .djvu/53

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different companies of the regiment; going once in April with one of our nurses, Ira Gager, who had lost his voice, and, consequently, I had quite a silent ride.

Everywhere the touch of the awakening Spirit! Everywhere the evidence of the beauty which Summer's sunlight would ripen into Autumn's golden fruitage!

Soon the May blossoms nodded by the road side, and the orchards stood filled with perfumed globes, which flung out rose-tinted streamers when the wind passed them by.

I bethought me of our over-burthened geese, which needed stripping of their downy plumage, and with help from the boys, they were soon secured, and the preparations made.

But I was disturbed in my work by the appearance of an old "Secesh," looking for his stray geese, which, strange to say, were two in number, one gray, one white. Singular that mine should be of these colors; his with clipped wings, so were mine; but I was defiant—I was a woman; and as he stood eyeing me with gaping mouth and staring look, the echo of a smothered laugh from manly throats just inside the door, warned him to leave the contest, and another pillow was added to our store.

The boys often brought in honey—and how could honest throats relish such stolen sweets? but they did nevertheless. War makes strange havoc with civilized principles.