Page:The Story of Doctor Dolittle.djvu/124

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The Story of Doctor Dolittle

of a prince," said the Doctor—"one of the hardest things a magician can do. You only want your face white, do you not?"

"Yes, that is all," said Bumpo. "Because I shall wear shining armor and gauntlets of steel, like the other white princes, and ride on a horse."

"Must your face be white all over?" asked the Doctor.

"Yes, all over," said Bumpo—"and I would like my eyes blue too, but I suppose that would be very hard to do."

"Yes, it would," said the Doctor quickly. "Well, I will do what I can for you. You will have to be very patient though—you know with some medicines you can never be very sure. I might have to try two or three times. You have a strong skin—yes? Well that's all right. Now come over here by the light—Oh, but before I do anything, you must first go down to the beach and get a ship ready, with food in it, to take me across the sea. Do not speak a word of this to any one. And when I have done as you ask, you must let me and all my animals