Page:The Story of Egil Skallagrimsson.djvu/48

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same way of Thorolf. Harek asked: 'Didst thou like well, O king, the Finns' tribute which Thorolf sent thee?'

'I did, said the king,

'Then wouldst thou have been surprised,' said he, ‘if thou hadst received all that belonged to thee! But it was far from being so; Thorolf kept for himself the larger share. He sent thee three bearskins, but I know for certain that he kept back thirty that were by right thine; and I guess it was the same with other things. This will prove true, O king, that, if thou put the stewardship into the hand. of myself and my brother, we shall bring thee more wealth.' And to all that they said about Thorolf their comrades bore witness, wherefore the king was exceeding angry.


Thorolf and the king.

IN the summer Thorolf went south to king Harold at Throndheim, taking with him all the tribute and much wealth besides, and ninety men well arrayed. When he came to the king, he and his were placed in the guest-hall and entertained magnificently.

On the morrow Aulvir Hnuf went to his kinsman Thorolf; they talked together, Aulvir saying that Thorolf was much slandered, and the king gave ear to such tales. Thorolf asked Aulvir to plead his cause with the king, 'for,' said he, 'I shall be short-spoken before the king if he choose rather to believe the lies of wicked men than truth and honesty which he will find in me.'

The next day Aulvir came to see Thorolf, and told him he had spoken on his business with the king; ‘but,' said he, 'I know no more than before what is in his mind.'

'Then must I myself go to him,' said Thorolf.

He did so; he went to the king where he sat at meat, and when he came in he greeted the king. The king accepted his greeting, and bade them serve him with drink. Thorolf said that he had there the tribute belonging to the