Page:The Story of Joseph and His Brethren.djvu/81

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BESIDES considering Joseph in relation to his father, we have to consider him in relation to his brethren, whose conduct towards him comes now to be noticed. As Leah represented the Jewish church, Joseph's elder brethren, who were the sons of Leah and of the handmaids, represented the Jewish people. The Lord resembled Joseph even in this,—that the Jews were His brethren according to the flesh. In the Gospels we read of the Lord's brethren in particular, who were His near relations by His mother Mary; and they shared in the general unbelief in Jesus, for of them it is recorded—"Neither did His brethren believe on Him." (John vii. 5.) But the Jews, generally, hated and persecuted Jesus, as Joseph's brethren hated and persecuted him. Jesus Himself testified of the Jews—"They have both seen and hated both Me and my