Page:The Story of Prague (1920).djvu/240

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Konopist, treaty of, 66.
Korybut, Prince Sigismund, chosen as ruler by Utraquist nobles, 66; his downfall, 67; returns to his own country, 68.
Kraluv Dvor, King’s Court, 167.
Krok, or Crocus, Sovereign of Bohemia, 1.
Kunstat Hr, war-cry, 79.
Kutna Hora, decrees of, 35.


Ladislas, King of Naples, crusade against, 36–37.
Ladislas Posthumus, crowned king, 81; premature death, 81.
League of the Lords, 24.
Lechler, Dr., quoted, 35.
Letter of Majesty, 106.
Levy Hradec, earliest building devoted to Christian worship, 5.
Libussa, youngest daughter of Krok, description of by Cosmas of Prague, 1; her powers as a soothsayer, 2, 3; her choice of husband, 2; foundation of town ascribed to, 3.
Lipan, great battle of, 69–70.
Louis, succeeds Vladislav as King, 88; killed in battle, 89.


Magister Pribram, leader of moderate party, 67.
Malá Strana, 4, 22; fortified, 8; attacked by Hussites, 44; town hall of, destroyed by Royalists, 44; stormed by Wallenstein, 128; seized by General Königsmark, 131.
Manifesto of Praguers after battle of Vysehrad, 60.
Maria Theresa crowned at Prague, 132.
Market-place, 168.
Martini, Royal councillor, thrown from window, 110–113.
Matthias, his perfidy towards King Rudolph, 104–105; succeeds Rudolph, 107; death, 113.
Maximilian,succeeds Ferdinand I. as King, 99; his concessions to the Protestants, 100; death, 103.
Milic, forerunner of Hus, his preaching, etc., 20–22.
Mlada, Princess, convent built by, 194.
Monasteries—Mount Sion or Strahov, 156–157.
MonasteriesCapuchin, 159–160.
MonasteriesEmaus, 160–161.
Monstrelet, quoted, 52.
Morley, Mr. John, quoted, 53.
Mühlberg, defeat of Protestants at, 96.


Nicholas of Pelhrimov, Bohemian envoy, 68.


Orebites, 57.
Ottokar II., King, 7–8; his departure on last campaign, 11–12; news of his death, 12.


Palaces—Nostic, 140
Palaces Kinsky, 140.
Palaces Count Clam Gallas, 140–141.
Palaces Royal Castle of Hradcany Hill, history of, 142–144; description of, as it stands, 144–147.
Palaces Waldstein, 148.
Palaces Morzin, 148.
Palaces Schwarzenberg, 148.
Palaces Counts Oswald and Francis Thurn, 148.
Palacky, quoted, 5, 6, 18, 23, 26, 55, 70, 87.
Papal Schism, reform movement brought to a crisis by, 36–37.
Pappenheim, General, tomb of, 156.
Pasek and Hlavsa dispute supremacy at Prague, 86–87, 88.
Peter Payne, leader of advanced party, 67–68.
Podebrad, George, head of national party, 75, 76; takes possession of town, 77; governor of Prague, 78; crowned King, 82; reign and death, 83.