Page:The Story of Rimini - Hunt (1816, 1st ed).djvu/123

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"And here," said he, "a word." The poor youth came,
Starting in sweeter tears to hear his name.
A whisper, and a charge there seemed to be,
Given to him kindly yet inflexibly:
Both squires then drew apart again, and stood
Mournfully both, each in his several mood,—
The one half sullen at these dreadful freaks,
The other with the tears streaming down both his cheeks.

The prince attacked with all his might and main,
Nor seemed the other slow to strike again;
Yet as the fight grew warm, 'twas evident,
One fought to wound, the other to prevent:
Giovanni pressed, and pushed, and shifted aim,
And played his weapon like a tongue of flame;
Paulo retired, and warded, turned on heel,
And led him, step by step, round like a wheel.