Page:The Story of the Cheeryble Grants.djvu/17

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CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGE Preface i I — Strathspey - 19 II.— The Birthplace of the " Cheerybles " 39 III.— The Family of the " Cheerybles " 51 IV. — The Migration of the Family 65 V. — The " Cheerybles" in Bury and Manchester 87 VI. — The " Cheerybles " in Ramsbottom and Manchester - 113 Complemental Endowments 115 "The Square/' "Tim Linkinwater," etc. 130 " It's Daniel ! " 146 Daniel — " At it again ! " 169 VII,— Partings 187 VIII.— The " Cheerybles "—Ideal and Real- 219 Index - - 237