Page:The Story of the House of Cassell (book).djvu/294

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Jones, Sir Robert, 187
"Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff," 183
Journalism, American, Cassell on, 50
Joyce, T. Athol, 180

Kaye-Smith, Sheila, 220
Kearton, Cherry, 192, 193
Kearton, Richard, 111, 142
as lecturer, 193
joins the staff, 192
Keith, Prof. Sir Arthur, 187
Kennedy, John, 25
Kent, W. and Co., buy stock and copyright of "Popular Educator," etc., 31
Keppell, Francis H., 30
"Kidnapped," and how planned, 213
"Kim," 118
"King Solomon's Mines," 217
Kingsford, Dr. Anna, and Woman's World, 139
Kingston, W. H. G., 144
Kinns, Dr. Samuel, 200
Kipling, Rudyard, publication of "Kim," 118
Klinkicht, Mr., 105
Knight, Charles, originates first Penny Magazine, 132
Knight, E. H., 172
Knollys, Col. W. W., 142, 172
Knowledge, taxes on, 43 et seq.
Kossuth, Louis, John Cassell and, 17

La Belle Sauvage, 19 et seq.
as coaching centre, 23
editors-in-chief, 71 et seq.
Freemasons' Lodge, 233
memorial to fallen unveiled, 235
notable personalities on staff, 76 et seq.
old-time plays in the Yard, 22
Sick Fund, 233
social side, 230 et seq.
swimming club, 232
war savings association, 234
Lambarde, William, 20
Lancashire, labour conditions in early nineteenth century, 4
Land, birth and death of, 155
"Landscape Painting in Water Colours," 202
Lang, Andrew, 99
Langford, John Alfred, 16
Lawrence, Pethick, and Echo, 153
Lawrence, Sir Joseph, 92
Lawson, Hon. Harry (see Burnham, Lord)
Lawson Robb, publicity manager, 94
"Leader Scott," 97
Leathes, Stanley, 29
Lee, Sir Sidney, 59
Le Fanu, Sheridan, 144
Le Gallienne, Richard, 155
Leighton, Robert, 145
"Leopold" Shakespeare, 158
Le Queux, William, 118
Leslie, Henry, 111
Levy, Amy, 135
Levy, Mr., and half-tone process, 108
Lewer, S. H., 82, 191
"Life and Times of Queen Victoria," 171
"Life and Words of Christ," Geikie's, 199
"Life of Christ," Farrar's, 196
"Life of Julius Caesar," 55–6
"Life of Lives," Farrar's, 199
"Life of St. Paul," Farrar's, 197
Linotypes installed at La Belle Sauvage, 223
Linton, William, 98
"Lion" Sermon, the, and a newspaper paragraph, 66
Lithography superseded by three-colour process, 108
Little Folks, Bonavia Hunt and, 124
its editors, 124 et seq.
Little Folks Humane Society, 127
Little Folks Nature Club, 128
Little Folks Ward and Home Scheme, 126
"Little Minister, The," 218
Live Stock Journal, 66, 82, 154, 191
Lives of W. E. Gladstone, 80
Livesey, Joseph, a teetotal campaign, 5–6
Cobden and, 10
"Living London," 169
Lloyd, Arthur, 180
"Lloyd's Encyclopædic Dictionary, 165
Lockyer, Sir Norman, 194
Loftus, Lord Augustus, 183