Page:The Story of the House of Cassell (book).djvu/299

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"Starland," Gladstone and, 194
Stead, W. T., his "Truth about Russia," 178
Stevenson, R. L., contributes to Magazine of Art, 99, 100 (note)
his death, 131
how "Treasure Island" was written, 209
on an offer from Cassell's, 207
"Pentland" edition of his works, 216
works published by Cassell's, 207 et seq.
Stevenson, Mrs., on activities of R. L. S., 215
Stevenson, R. A. M., 99, 100
Storey, Samuel, acquires an interest in Echo, 153
"Story of Africa and its Explorers," 168
"Story of Our Planet," 190
"Story of the Heavens," 194
"Story of the Sun," 194
Story-Teller, and its success, 140
Stow, John, and the Wyatt rising, 19
Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Beecher, and anti-slavery, 40
Stranne, Major-Gcneral Bland, 172
Strathcona, Lord, Life of, 185
Stretton, llesha, 116
"Sun, Story of the," 194
Swan, Annie S., 124
Swaysland, W., 192,
Swindlehurst, Thomas, 6
"System of Surgery," 186

Tarleton, Richard, 22
Tasker, Mr., and Arnold-Forster, 77
Tatchell, Sydney, 235
Tea merchant, Cassell as, 13
"Technical Educator," 194
Teetotal campaign, Livesey's, 5–6
Teetotal Times, John Cassell's, 14
Temperance activities, John Cassell's, 7 et seq.
Temple, Sir Richard, 142
his "Story of My Life," 184
Thackeray, and the origin of "Belle Sauvage," 20
"Things New and Old," 78, 202
"This World of Ours," 78
Thomas, H. H., 141
Thomas, N. W., 180
Thompson, Sir E. Maunde, and "Social England," 174
Thomson, Sir StClair, 187
Thorburn, John, and La Belle Sauvage, 23
Thornbury, Walter, and his handwriting, 169
and the derivation of "La Belle Sauvage," 20
Three-colour process, the, 109
"Three Homes," 199
Timbs, John, 144
"Tommy and Grizel," 218
Topographical works, 73, 168, 169
Tracy, W. B., 143
Traill, H. D., and "Social England," 173
Travel, books of, 178
"Treasure Island," its introduction to the Yard, 207
serial issue in Chums, 131
the map of, 211
Trendell, Sir A. J. R., and Magazine of Art, 96
Treves, Sir Frederick, 186
"Truth about Russia," Stead's, 178
Turner, Godfrey, 97, 144
"Turner, J. M. W., Water Colour Drawings of," 201
Turner, Robert, appointed general manager and chairman of company, 67, 68

"Uncle Tom's Cabin," Cassell introduced to authoress, 46
published in England, 46
"Uncle Tom's Cabin Almanack," 46
"United States, History of the," 171
"Universal History," 171

Vachell, H. A., 124, 220
Vaughan, Dean, 29
"Victoria, Queen, Life and Times of," 171
Vizctelly, Henry, and the taxes on knowledge, 44
Vogel, Dr., and the three-colour process, 109
Volturno, burning of, 91
Voules, Horace, 147, 149
edits Echo, 153