Page:The Story of the Iliad.djvu/134

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the men of Troy, and rejoiced again in the battle.

Foremost of all was Diomed, who slew a Trojan, Agelaüs by name. Through the back he pierced him with his spear, driving it through his breast, and tumbled him from his chariot.

After him came the sons of Atreus, and either Ajax, and Idomeneus, and all the chiefs, and among them Teucer, who stood beneath the shield of Ajax Telamon, as he bent his bow. Ajax would lift his shield a little, and Teucer, peering out, would shoot a warrior in the throng. Then would he go back as a child to his mother, and Ajax would hide him beneath his shield. Eight warriors did he slay; and when Agamemnon saw him, he came near, and spake, saying: "Shoot on, Teucer, and be a light to thy people and to thy father Telamon. Surely when Zeus and Athené shall grant me the spoil of Troy, to thee, first after myself, will I give a goodly gift."

Teucer made reply: "Why dost thou urge me on that am myself so eager? Never have I ceased to ply them with mine arrows, according to my strength. Eight shafts have I