Page:The Story of the Iliad.djvu/287

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Troy, but now I shall perish miserably in the River, as some herdboy perisheth whom a torrent sweeps away in a storm."

So he spake; but Poseidon and Athené stood by him, having taken upon them the shape of men, and took him by the hand and strengthened him with comforting words, for Poseidon spake, saying: "Son of Peleus, tremble not, neither be afraid. It is not thy fate to be mastered by the River. He shall soon cease from troubling thee. And do thou heed what we say. Stay not thy hands from the battle, till thou shalt have driven all the sons of Troy that escape thee within the walls of the city. And when thou shalt have slain Hector, go back to the ships; for this day is the day of thy glory."

Then the two departed from him. Now all the plain was covered with water, wherein floated much fair armour and many dead bodies. But Achilles went on even against the stream, nor could the River hold him back; for Athené put great might into his heart. Yet did not Scamander cease from his wrath, but lifted his waves yet higher, and