Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 2).djvu/634

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Words and Music by Frank L. Moir.

\relative c'' {
\partial 4

    \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "violin"} {
      \key g \major
      \tempo "Moderato."

      r4 | r1 | r1 | r1 | 
      r2 r4 d,8 b'8 | 
      a4 e4 fis4 e8 d8 |
      g4 g a4. a8 | 
      b4 b g a8( b8) | 
      d2. d4 | c b e c8 c | 
      b4 a d g, |
      fis4 e8 e8 b'4 a4 | 
      a2. d,8^\markup {\italic "Cantabile."} b' | 
      a4 e fis e8 d8 | 
      g4 g a g8\< a | 
      b4 b\! d b |  
    \addlyrics {
      There's a wind -- ing walk in a gar -- den fair, 
      With nut- -- trees o -- ver head, 
      And ro -- ses sweet, 
      By the dear old seat, 
      Per -- fum -- ing the sum -- mer air: 
      It was there we met in the long a -- go, 
      It was there we pligh -- ted

    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff {
        \key g \major
        d8(_\mf b' | 
        <<{a4 fis4} \\ c2 >>  <g' b,>4) b,8( fis' | 
        <<{e4 b} \\ g2 >> <b, d b' d>4) b'8( c8 | 
        d2 <<{b4 a} \\ <fis c>2>> | 
        <g b,>4) d <g b,> r | 
        <<{a4( e)} \\ c2 >>  <<{a'4( fis)} \\ c2 >> |

        <<{g'2 a | <b b,> <b b,> | <d d,> <d d,> | c4( b <a e>) r4 | b( a <g d>) r4 |} 
        {b,4( d) c( d) | r <d g> r <e g> | r <fis b> r <fis b> |  <gis e>2 s | <fis d> s}

        <<{fis4( e)} \\ <cis g>2>> <g cis e>2 |
        <<{d'4 fis e d8_\markup {\italic "Cantabile."} b'} \\ {<c, fis,>2 <c fis,>}>> |
        a'4( <c, e> <c fis> d) |
        <b g'>( d) <c a'>( fis) |
        <d b'> g <d b'> eis |

      \new Staff {
        \clef "bass"
        \key g \major
        r4 | 
        <g, d' fis>2 <g d' g>4 r4 | 
        <g b e>2 <b, fis' b>4 r4 |
        <<{r2 <d fis>} \\ d,1\sustainOn>> |
        <d' g,>2 <d g,>4 r4 |
        <e g,>2 <d g,> |

        <d g,>2 <d g,>|
        g e |
        <b' b,> b |
        d c4 r4 |
        c2 b4 r4 |

        <a, a,>2 <a a,> |
        <d d,> d |
        <<{r4 e4 <d fis>2 d2} \\ {d,1(\sustainOn d2)}>> d'2 |
        <d g>2 <d gis>2 |
