Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 65).djvu/391

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The Onward Years





THE photograph album was of morocco leather, and across one corner was inscribed the word "Album," that it might be distinguished from the family Bible with which it shared company. The pages were imprisoned by a clasp of water-gilt which snapped as crisply after seventy years’ service as on the day it was supplied. Originally, the leather was of deep maroon and the lettering of gold, but with the gentle deposits of time the colour had faded and the gold was spent.

Gracefully illuminated was the fly-leaf, which set forth, in a vignette of moss-roses and forget-me-nots, the flowing statement: “This album is the property of: ——————" But no one had filled in the space for the owner's name. Courage and pretty craftsmanship is needed to pen Albert Edward Freemantle in the heart of a bouquet without detracting from its charm.

Mr. Freemantle took the album tenderly and released the clasp. He paused as his eyes settled on the floral fly-leaf, smiling