Page:The Sunday Eight O'Clock (1916).pdf/110

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home of Frank Chumbley. Come and bring your friends."

"That Heffington kid is some cornet player," Kohl commented when he saw I was looking. "He'll be a soloist in the University band one of these days. I've been wondering, too, for a long time whether or not Mac Miller was still thinking about that girl over at Odin. I knew her when we were in grammar school. It's some town I live in."

The life in college is likely to wean us too quickly from the old home folks and the old home life. We may come foolishly in time to feel that there is no training worth while but that which we get in college, that there is no education but that which we get out of books. We who are in college are living and feeding too much upon theories, so that it is good for us occasionally to get a taste of the simple, commonplace things of practical life. There is nothing that will give us this better than the home paper.