Page:The Sunday Eight O'Clock (1916).pdf/94

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"and I have a peck of back work to hand in tomorrow." The babble of conversation ceased shortly, and the silence became so great that I turned to find the cause. They were asleep, their tired, pallid faces and the dark rings under their eyes showing all too well what a lovely, restful vacation they had had.

The man who said that it takes the strongest constitution to stand the average trip for the health might have added that it takes the strongest student to stand the ordinary vacation. A woman whom I once knew when asked if she employed a servant girl remarked that she had had one, but that she was just then doing her own work. She hoped as soon as she was strong enough to try one again. I have often felt that it might be a good thing to require students to pass a physical test to determine whether or not they are strong enough to indulge in the dissipations of a vacation. The line of pale, sad eyed, tired, and physically knocked-