Page:The Surgical Instruments of the Hindus Vol 1.djvu/11

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ring as a healing talisman for the cure of snake-bite;[1] and also we find there a reference to a class of physicians who specialised themselves in Toxicology (Viṣa-Vaidya),[2] and were held in high esteem for their professional skill by the public.[3] From the Bhojaprabandha, the administration of some kind of anæsthetic by inhalation before surgical operations can be ascertained. Similarly from the books of Law, we know the relations of the profession to society in general. In the Manusaṁhitā, we have unmistakable testimony of the decline of Hindu surgery as the author prohibits the eating of cooked rice from the hands of a surgeon.[4]

  1. सहि! देवीए इदं सिप्पिसआसादो आनीदण्णागमुद्दासणाहं अङ्गुलीअअं सिणिद्धं णिभालअन्ती तूह उवालम्भे पड़िदह्मि॥

    Mālavikāgnimitra, Ch. I.

    जय।—जेदु जेदु भट्ठा। धुवसिद्धी विण्णवेदी। उदकुम्भविधाणेण सप्पमुद्दिआ कप्पिदव्वा। ता अण्णेसीअदुत्ति। धारि।—एदं सप्पमुद्दअम् अङ्गुलीअअम्। पच्छा मह हत्थे णम्।

    Ibid, Ch. IV.

  2. परि।—छैदो दंशस्य दाहो वा क्षतस्यारक्तमोक्षणम्। एतानि दष्टमात्राणामायुुष्याः प्रतिपत्तयः॥(संप्रति विषवैद्यानाम् कर्म्म।)
    राजा।—जयसेने! ध्रुवसिद्धिः क्षिप्रमाहूयताम्॥

    Ibid, Ch. IV.

  3. निपु।—पसण्णमुहवण्णो दीसदि। अवि अ धुवसिद्धिणा चिइस्सिदो। मा से असङ्कणिज्जं पावं॥

    Ibid, Ch. IV.

  4. चिकित्सकान्देवलकान्मांसविक्रयिणस्तथा।
    विपणेन च जीवन्तो वर्ज्जाः स्युर्हव्यकब्ययोः॥
    Manusaṁhitā, Ch. III, 152.
    चिकित्सकस्य मृगयोः क्रूरस्योच्छिष्टभोजिनः।
    उग्रान्नं सूतिकान्नं च पर्याचान्तमनिर्दशम्॥
    Ibid, Ch. IV, 212.