Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/116

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of sleep, and like those who come from darkness into light. They also think from the light of heaven, thus from interior wisdom, and they act from good, thus from interior affection. Heaven flows in likewise into their thoughts and affections with an interior blessedness and delight, whereof before they had no knowledge; for they have communication with the angels of heaven. Then also they acknowledge the Lord, and worship Him from their very life; for they are in their own proper life when in the state of their interiors, as just stated. And they likewise acknowledge and worship Him from freedom, for freedom belongs to interior affection. Thus they recede from external sanctity, and come into internal sanctity wherein essential worship really consists.

Such is the state of those who have led a Christian life according to the precepts in the Word.

But the state of those who in the world have lived in evil, and have had no conscience, and have thence denied the Divine, is diametrically the opposite. For all who live in evil, interiorly deny the Divine, however they may imagine, when in their externals, that they do not deny but acknowledge Him; for to acknowledge the Divine and to live wickedly are opposites.

Such persons in the other life, when they come into the state of their interiors, and are heard to speak and seen to act, appear like insane persons; for from their evil lusts they break out into all man-