Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/184

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rendered to his country and the church, but in order that he may be in eminence and glory, and thence in the delight of his heart.

The love of dominion also remains with every one after his life in the world. Those who have exercised authority from neighborly love, are also entrusted with authority in the heavens. But then it is not they who rule, but the uses which they love; and when uses rule, the Lord rules. But they who in the world have exercised authority from self-love, after their life on earth are in hell, where they are vile slaves. I have seen the mighty ones, who in the world had exercised dominion from the love of self, cast among those of the meanest class.

But as to the love of the world, this is not opposed to heavenly love in so great a degree as the love of self, because so great evils do not lie concealed within it. This love is manifold. There is the love of wealth for the sake of being exalted to honors, which are the only objects loved. There is the love of honors and dignities with a view to the increase of wealth. There is the love of wealth for the sake of the various uses which afford delight in the world. There is the love of wealth for its own sake, such as belongs to the avaricious; and so on. The end for which wealth is sought, is called its use. And the end or use is that from which the love derives its quality; for the love is of such a quality as is the end had in view, and all other things are subservient to it. (H. H. 551-565.)