Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/85

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self, because they are loved only as the means of securing reputation, honor and gain. They who are in such love do not regard the Lord and the neighbor in what is good, sincere and just, but themselves and the world, and experience delight in fraud; and goodness, sincerity and justice, practised with fraudulent intent, are evil, insincerity and injustice; and these latter are the things which they love in the former.

Because the loves thus determine the quality of every one's life, therefore all are examined on their first entrance after death into the world of spirits; and when their character is ascertained, they are joined to those who are in similar love. They who are in heavenly love are joined to their like in heaven, and they who are in corporeal love, to their like in hell. And when they have passed through their first and second states, the two classes are so completely separated, that they no longer see or know each other; for every one becomes his own love, not only as to his interiors which belong to the mind, but also as to his exteriors which belong to the face, body and speech; for every one becomes the image of his own love, even in external appearance.

They who are corporeal loves appear gross, obscure, black and deformed; but they who are heavenly loves appear fresh, bright, fair and beautiful. In their minds and thoughts also they are altogether unlike. They who are heavenly loves are