Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/87

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They who are in corporeal love cannot possibly live in the heat of heaven; for the heat of heaven is heavenly love. But the heat of hell is agreeable to them, which heat is the love of exercising cruelty toward those who do not favor them. Contempt of others, enmity, hatred and revenge are the delights of that love. "When they are in these delights, they are in their life, being utterly ignorant of what it is to do good to others from good itself, and for the sake of good itself, but only skilled in doing good from evil and for the sake of evil.

Nor can those who are in corporeal love breathe in heaven. When any evil spirit is conveyed thither, he draws his breath like one who struggles in a contest. But they who are in heavenly love breathe more freely and live more perfectly in proportion as they enter more interiorly into heaven.

From these considerations it may be evident that celestial aud spiritual love is heaven with man, because all things of heaven are inscribed on that love; and that corporeal and worldly love, without that which is celestial and spiritual, is hell with man, because all things of hell are inscribed on these loves. Hence it is plain that he who is in celestial and spiritual love goes to heaven; and he who is in corporeal and worldly love, without that which is celestial and spiritual, goes to hell.

That faith does not remain with man, unless it spring from heavenly love, has been made manifest to me by