Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/97

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substances, and are also in such hells. So in other instances.


But the delights of the life of those who have lived in heavenly love in the world, are turned into corresponding objects such as are in the heavens. These objects exist from the sun of heaven, and from the light thence proceeding, which light presents to view such objects as conceal within them things divine. The objects which thence appear affect the interiors of the angels which belong to their minds, and at the same time the exteriors which belong to their bodies. And because divine light, which is the divine truth proceeding from the Lord, flows into their minds which are opened by heavenly love, therefore in externals it presents to view such objects as correspond to the delights of their love.

Having undertaken to confirm this matter by examples from experience, in order to illustrate the truths already deduced from the causes of things, I will adduce some particulars concerning the heavenly delights into which natural delights are turned with those who live in heavenly love in the world.

They who have loved divine truths and the Word from interior affection, or from the affection of truth itself, in the other life dwell in light, in elevated places which appear like mountains, and there they are continually in the light of heaven. They have