Page:The Swiss Family Robinson, In Words of One Syllable.djvu/51

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our first night on shore? You shall give that its name," said I to Fritz.

"Let us call it Tent House," said he.

"That will do," said I. "And now for the spot at the mouth of Safe Bay, where we found out planks?"

"Shark Point," said Ernest, and we gave it that name, from the fact that the great fish which Fritz shot had been found there. The place from which Fritz and I sought in vain for a trace of our ship mates was to be known as No Man's Cape. Then we had the Boys' Bridge, which name I gave it from a wish to please my sons, who had done so much to build it.

"But what shall we call the place which is now most dear to us all?" said I.

Fritz thought we should call it The Roost, Jack said he should like us to give it the name of The Perch, while Frank chose Dove Cote as the best he could think of.

"Now, my dear," said I to my wife, "it is your turn. What shall we say?"

"Let us call it The Nest," said she; and with that I gave each of my young birds a glass of sweet wine.

"Here's to 'The Nest,'" said I; "and my we live long to bless the day and the means that brought us here."

I then told Fritz to draw a map of the place