Page:The Swiss Family Robinson (Kingston).djvu/532

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rider, and the best shot in New Switzerland, which is the summit of his ambition.

“The fact is,” he continued, laughing, “I rather stand in awe of their European schools, and should expect to find myself caught and clapped into one, if I ventured too near them.”

“A good school is exactly what I want,” said Franz. “Among a number of students there is some emulation and enthusiasm, and I shall have a chance of rising in the world.

“Fritz will probably return here some day; but it might be well for one member of the family to go home with the intention of remaining there altogether, and as I am the youngest, I could more easily than the rest, adapt myself to a different life. My father, however, will decide for me.”

“You may go, my dear son,” I replied; “and God bless all our plans and resolutions. The whole earth is the Lord's, and where, as in his sight, you lead good and useful lives, there is your home.

“And now that I know your wishes, the only question is whether Captain Littlestone will kindly enable you to carry them out?”

All eyes were fixed eagerly upon him, and after a moment's pause the gallant officer spoke as follows:—

“I think my way in this matter is perfectly clear, and I consider that I have been providentially guided to be the means of once more placing this family in communication with their friends, and with the civilised world.

“My orders were to search for a shipwrecked crew.

“Survivors from two wrecks have been discovered.

“Three passengers express a wish to leave my ship here, instead of at the Cape, while, at the same time, I am requested to give to three persons a passage to England.

“Could anything suit better? I am most willing to undertake the charge of those who may be committed to my care.