Page:The Swiss Family Robinson - 1851.djvu/448

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AND GIFT-BOOKS. Works bound in MOrOCCO--Continued. Cowper's Letters, Edited by Dr. Memes, Svo., with engravings, 10s. 6d. riendship's Offering, A Christmas and New' Year's Present, illustrated with beautiful egravings (four ditferent sorts), �s. 5d. each. Kirk White's I'vemains, With a Memoir of the Author, 18mo., The Polyglot Bible. A new edition, mustrated with coloured maps, sad 60,000 refercnce, s. Pope's Homer's Iliad. A new edition, with frontispiece and vignette, royal 24mo., 6s. Pope's Homer's Odyssey. A new edition, with frontispiece and vignette, royal 24mo., �s. ]3ritish Iilitry Biography, From the earliest period to the present time, with frontispiece and vignette, 24mo., ]3ritish Naval Biography, With frontispiece, 24mo., 7s. ]3urns's Poetical Works, With frontispiece and vignette, 24mo., 6s. l. ]utler's Analogy of Religion, With frontispiece and vignette, 24mo., I)odd's Beauties of Shakspeaxe, With frontispiece and viirnette, 24mo., 6s. Gulliver's Travels, With frontispiece and vignette, 24mo., 4s. 6d.