Page:The Tale of the Tulsi Plant and Other Stories.djvu/12

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As nearly all the ensuing sketches have already appeared in the Times of India and are reproduced with the kind permission of its editor, no preface is really required. Since, however, the article on Marathi proverbs gave, when published, some offence to Deccani readers, 1 take this opportunity of assuring them that the suggestion that Maharashtra meant the country of the Mhars (Mahar Rashtra) was not mine at all. It may be found at p. xxiii of the Preface to Molesworth’s Dictionary. I am glad, however, to state that my old and valued friend Sir Ramkrisbna Bhandarkar, C.I.E., has convinced me that Molesworth’s derivation must on philological grounds be incorrect. I have therefore rewritten the latter half of the said article. The other articles are practically unaltered.
