Page:The Tattooed Countess (1924).pdf/250

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swung open, and Mayme Townsend emerged from the house.

Hello, Mayme, the Countess hailed her, you're out early.

Yes, the other replied, adding significantly, I wanted to find you in.

The Countess frowned. What she said, however, was, We must see more of one another, Mayme. We haven't been very neighbourly lately, have we? But I'm not going away for some time. I haven't . . .

I know, Mrs. Townsend assented grimly. Then she continued, Ella, I want to talk with you. Can't we go inside?

The Countess frowned for the second time, but she replied casually, Certainly. Wait for me while I cut three or four more of these lovely asters. Slowly circling the bed, she carefully chose especially large blossoms before applying the scissors to their long stems. Now, I'm ready, she announced at last, gathering the stalks loosely in the curve of her elbow. Escorting Mayme back into the house, she selected a tall cut-glass vase, flaring at the top and set on a tumbler base, from a shelf in the butler's pantry.

Just a moment, she adjured her old friend as she filled the vase with water. Mayme stood silently by, fuming, while the Countess arranged the flowers.

There! Ella exclaimed. Aren't they lovely? I