Page:The Teeth of the Tiger - Leblanc - 1914.djvu/117

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taking and that was the complete similarity of the two curves.

In either fruit the rounded arch was bent according to the same inflection. The two semicircles could have fitted one into the other, both very narrow, both a little long-shaped and oval and of a restricted radius which was the very character of the jaw.

The men did not speak a word. M. Desmalions raised his head. Mme. Fauville did not move, stood livid and mad with terror. But all the sentiments of terror, stupor and indignation that she might simulate with her mobile face and her immense gifts as an actress did not prevail against the compelling proof that presented itself to every eye.

The two imprints were identical! The same teeth had bitten into both apples!

"Madame——" the Prefect of Police began.

"No, no," she cried, seized with a fit of fury, "no, it's not true.… This is all just a nightmare.… No, you are never going to arrest me? I in prison! Why, it's horrible!… What have I done? Oh, I swear that you are mistaken——"

She took her head between her hands.

"Oh, my brain is throbbing as if it would burst! What does all this mean? I have done no wrong.… I knew nothing. It was you who told me this morning.… Could I have suspected? My poor husband … and that dear Edmond who loved me … and whom I loved! Why should I have killed them? Tell me that! Why don't you answer?" she demanded. "People don't commit murder without a motive.… Well?… Well?… Answer me, can't you?"

And once more convulsed with anger, standing in an