Page:The Texas Medical Journal, vol. 18.djvu/334

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63/4, 15 and 123/4 years. Of these ten cases, seven were central and three periosteal growths.


1. Borck: Ueber die Heilbarkeit Maligner Neubildungen des Oberschenkelknochens durch die Exarticulation der Unteren Extremitat im Hüftgelenke.—Langenbeck’s Archiv. Bd. 40-941.

2. Bussey, Max: Exarticulation Coxæ wege Sarkome des Oberschenkels.—Inaug. Diss. Greifsnald, 1897.

3. Gross: American Journal Medical Sciences, 1879.

4. Jenckel: Beitrag zur Kenntness der Knochensarkome des Oberschenkel.—Deutsch Zeitschrift für Chirurgie Bd. 61, p. 66.

5. Luttig: Ueber Exarticulation im Hüftgelenkwegen Maligner Neu bildungen am Femur.—Inaug. Diss. Marburg, 1891.

6. Löffler: Zur Prognose Knochensarkome.—Inaug. Diss. Erlangen, 1896.

7. Nasse: Die Sarkome der langen Extremitatenknochen.—Langenbeck’s Archiv. Bd. 39, p. 886.

For Texas Medical Journal.

Report of Case of Double Glioma Treated With X-Ray.


The case in question is one of double glioma in a female child three and one-half years old. A competent oculist had correctly diagnosed and given advice for operation with the usual unfavorable prognosis. The parents, however, desiring another opinion brought the case to my office during the latter part of April. Examination confirmed the previous diagnosis, advice and prognosis; but in view of the desperate conditions I advised trial of X-ray treatment, though holding out only little encouragement to hope for success in saving the child’s life.

The right eye had been first involved and the disease had progressed further in it than in the left eye; the growth had reached the pupil, filling the space occupied by the vitreous. The anterior chamber was nearly obliterated in consequence of the increased tension.

As usual, in cases so far developed, the great tension of the ball caused severe pain. In the left eye the growth could be easily discerned, and had already caused total blindness. The general appearance of the patient was cachectic.

The X-ray was applied by using lead plate perforated for both eyes to protect the face and head; the exposures were made once a day and lasted about fifteen minutes. After the second application