Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/100

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told palace of Coſſim Alli Cawn, inſide the ramparts, ſtill uninjured by the waſte of time, was put in order for the reſidence of Colonel Grant. The entrance into the fort was by four wide gates, conſtructed in a maſterly manner; one at each ſide, opening into the barrack yard. It was originally built by ſome of the Nabobs, but ſince it came into. the poſſeſſion of the Company, it has ſerved as a proper place for our cantonments. There are no other ſtructures of any figure here. About a mile hence is a long row of low obſcure huts (ſuch as the common natives inhabit in ſeveral parts of India) occupied by a claſs of people who prepare raw ſilk and, at a little diſtance from
