Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/107

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parations for marching, and ſet out from Monghere in the beginning of the year 1772. The firſt day, we reached Sitakund, (Where we halted three days to collect our market people, &c. It is a ſmall village, about twelve miles from Monghere, and in its environs are ſeven baths or wells, two of which are committed to the care of Bramins, who attend them, and will not ſuffer any Perſon out of their order, to touch the waters, but ſuch as come with a ſtedfaſt faith in their virtues (which they generally poſſes) to be - relieved from various diſorders by their application. The other five are common to; all who travel this way. The two firſt are near each other,
