Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/109

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pilgrims proceeding on their journey to Simkund, and reached Bohegolpore, in about fifteen days after we left Monghere. We encamped outſide the town, which is, by no means, inconſiderable for its manufactures. It has a mud fort thrown round it, and contains a regiment of n i itia, to protct it's trade, conſiſting of a famous manufactory of fine napkins, table cloths, turbans and ſoucy, a kind of texture compoſed of ſilk and cotton, ſome of which is beautifully variegated with ſtripes, and ſome of a nankin colour, uſed moſtly by the Ladies of the country for ſummer wear. Governor Pelham, who commanded here, entertained our Officers in a very ſplendid manner. We halted
