Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/115

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of the ſavages fell on the plain, others were wounded; and the greater part of them, after a feeble reſiſtance with their bows, arrows, and ſwords, giving away to our ſuperior courage and dsiſcipline, fled to the mountains for ſhelter, and raiſed a thick-cloudy ſmoke, iſſuing from ſmothered fires, in order to intercept our view, and incommode us. Our gallant ſoldiers; ſwit as the lightning flaſh, purſued, overtook, and made two hundred of them priſoners, who were eſcorted to Head Quarters, and by order of. Colonel Grant, ſeverly puniſhed for their crimes; ſomem having their ears and noſes cut off, and others hung in gibbets. Their bows and arrows, and ponderous broad ſwords
