Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/119

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next day: every individual was employed; and at four o'clock, on the coming morn, we were all on the plaini in military array, with twenty field pieces; attended by two companies of Artillery: not a man, through the whole of the buſineſs, in which we took ſeveral acres of ground, but diſplayed uncommon abilities; and was rewarded for his exertions, by the unanimous conſent of the officers with an extra allowance of pay and refreſhment. The natives who flocked from all quarters, for many miles; around, were delighted and aſtoniſhed at the fight-----

" Of martial men in glitt' ring arms diſplay'd,
"And all the ſhining pomp of war arry'd;
"Determin'd ſoilders, and a gallant hoſt,
"As e'er Britannnia in her pride con'd boaſt."
