Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/124

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the China Bazar, where every kind of china is expoſed to ſale; the Lalbazar, Thrumthulla, Chouringee, Bightztconna, Mochoabazar, and Chaunpolgot, where the European Gentlemen, of every deſcription, moſtly reſide. The greateſt concourſe of Engliſh, French, Dutch, Armenians, Abyſſinians, and Jews, aſſemble here; beſides merchants, manufacturers, and tradeſmen, from the moſt remote parts of India.

Near Chaunpolgot is the old fort, which contains the Company's ſtores garriſoned by the invalids and militia, and inhabited by Collectors, Commiſſaries, Clerks, and in my time by a Mr. Paxon, the Director
