Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/131

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conſiſt twenty—two barracks, beſides a magazine, ſtores, and offices. There are two barracks on the fourth near the river, in which the Colonels and Majors refan thide: ſix on the eaſt, and ſix on the weſt, occupied by the other Officers: in the northern direction, the privates of the Artillery and Infantry Corps dwell: the, Commander in Chief has ſuperb building, about a mile from the barrack of the privates and the intermediate ſpace between the different barracks, which form, a ſquare, is a ſpacious plain where the men exerciſe. Baraliampore is very populous, and connects with Muxadabad by an irregular chain of building, comprehending CalcuPore and Caſaſmbuzar, two famous
