Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/133

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Length, reaching, as far as Barahampore; and the neighbouring country is interſperſed with elegant feats belonging to the Governors, and other Officers; among, which; was the Nabob Mamarah Dowlah's palace, furniſhed in a ſuperior ſtyle to the reſt, and ſurrounded with arched pillars of marble, decorated with variegated purdoes --- over the arches, native bands of muſic played on the different inſtruments, every morning and evening --- on one ſide of this palace flowed the river Bohogritee in Winding mazes: on the other, ſtood the Chouk where People, aſſembled, to fell horſes, wild and tame fowl; ſinging birds, and almoſt every product and manufacture of India.
