Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/136

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the front was a fair in diamond of the firſt water: a thin robe of fine muſlin covered his body, over which wore another of cream-coloured ſatin and torusers of the ſame, trimmed with ſilver edging, and ſmall ſilver buttons: a valuable ſhawl of camel's hair, was thrown negligently about his ſhoulders; and another wrapped round his waiſt inſide the latter; he placed the dagger, that was in itſeld a piece of curious workmanſhip, the hilt being of pure gold, ſtudded with diamonds, rand embelſhed with ſmall chains of gold.

His ſhoes were of bright crimſon velvet, embroidered with ſilver, and ſet round the foals and binding
