Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/142

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hometans, for his ſuppoſed knowledge in aſtrology, by which he is ſaid to forfel the future deſtiny of the child; When he diſcharges the duties of his ſacred function on ſuch an occaſion, which conſiſts in nothing more than this prophecy, and calling the child by the moſt favourable name, the myſteries of his ſcilence will permit, he receives ſome preſents from the parents and kindred, and retires.

The ſecond baptiſm, which takes place when the child is four days old, is performed by the Codgi, or Mulna, the Mahometan Clergyman, in the preſence of a number of women, who viſt the mother after her delivery; he firſt reads
