Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/144

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happy recovery, and filling her lap, at the ſame time, With a quantity of freſh fruit, as the emblem of plenty. When this ceremony is over they ſit down an entertainment ſerved up by the Hajams' wives, and prepared by women in more menial offices, Their uſual fare is a variety of cates and ſweetmeats, The men, who alſo congratulate the father, wiſhing every happineſs to his offſpring, are, regaled much in the ſame manner. Thus is the ſecond baptiſm celebrated; from which the third, which is ſolemnized on the twentieth day after his birth, differs only in, point of time.

The Mahometans do not perform the circurmſion, or fourth baptiſm,
