Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/149

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nopy, upon his accuſtomed chair. The muſic that played before him, ſuddenly ceaſed, when the Mulna appeared in his ſacredotal robes, holding a ſilver baſon of conſecrated water, with which he ſprinkled him; while the Hajam ſlowly advancing in order to circuihciſe him, inſtantly performed the operation. In this critical moment, every individual in the numerous crowd, ſtood on one foot, and joined his father and mother in heartfelt petitions to Heaven for his ſafety. The Muſic again ſtruck up, and played ſome cheerful airs: after which, the child was taken home by his parents and put to bed. The company being ſerved with water and napkins by the Hajams, waſhed their hands
