Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/154

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people and their relations, by their parents on both ſides: thoſe of the youth ſupply the dreſses of the young woman and her kindred; and her's furniſh him and his relatives with ſuitable apparel.

Thus arrayed; the bridegroom is carried on a palanquin, with lighted torches in his train, attended by a number of people, to the houſe of the bride, whoſe friend's meet him on the way. At his arrival, the ceremony is performed, if the manſion be large enough to contain the cheerful throng that aſſemble on this feſtive occaſſion; if not, which is generally the caſe, a ſemiana is erected in a ſpacious ſquare, in the centre of which is a canopy about
