Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/162

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lady grows too violent, to ſubmit even to the utmoſt exertions of their ſkill, they ſend for a Mulna, who comes to the bedſide of the ſick perſon, and putting his hand over him, feels that part of his body moſt affected and repeats, with a degree of ſervency, ſome pious prayers, by the efficacy of which, it is ſuppoſed the patient will ſpeedily recover. The Mahometans meet death with uncommon reſignantion and fortitude, conſidering it only as the, means of enlarging them from a ſtate of mortal captivity; and opening to them a free and glorious paſſage to the manſions of bliſs. Thoſe ideas conſole them on the bed of ſicneſs; and even amid the pangs of
