Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/175

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ther, which they call mogrees, reſembling Spaniſh double jeſſamy, but of a more agreeable odor, and preferable to any perfumes, delight— ing at once the ſight and ſmell. Their dreſs conſits of a long white muſlin gown, extremely clear and fine, with a ſhort body and long ſleeves, and the ſkirt which contains near twenty yards, is ornamented in its train, with ſilver fringe; a long trouſers made of fancy ſilk, exactly fitted to their ſhapes, and a large ſhawl, that covers the head and ſhoulders, embroidered with a deep ſilver fringe. On the head they wear jewels and flowers; and their long black hair is generally braided. Many of them, eſpceially thoſe in commerce
