Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/210

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appear to Europeans, yet they are much to be commended for the exerciſe of the moral virtues they inculcate, namely, temperance, juſtice and humanity. Amidſt a variety of extravagant cuſtoms, ſtrange ceremonies, and prejudices, we may diſcover the traces of ſublime morality, deep philoſophy, and refined policy; but when we attempt to trace the religious anti civil inſtitutions to their ſource, we find that it is left in the maze of antiquity. The native Indians, or Hindoos, are men of ſtrong natural genius, and are, by no means, unacquainted with literature and ſcience, as the tranſlation of the Ayeen Akberry into Engliſh, has fully evinced. We may trace the origin moſt of the ſciences,
