Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/212

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men, previouſly take off their turbans, ſhoes, and outſide garments, and waſh before and after meals. They afterwards withdraw to another apartment, where they enjoy themſelves with ſmoking tobacco and chewing betel. They uſe no ſpirits or other liquors, but are particularly nice in the taſte of different waters, and conſider their choice of them a great luxury.

As to the funerals of theſe people—ſome bury the bodies of the deceaſed, which they place in the grave in a ſitting poſture, with rice and water near them: their dead are generally decked with jewels and other ornaments, of which they are diſobed by their kindred, before; the grave is filled up. The uſual
